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Electronic cigarettes, also known e-cigarettes, c-cigs, or vapour cigarettes, have skyrocketed in popularity over the last decade, and their popularity will continue to grow exponentially as more people learn of the health benefits they possess over the traditional methods of smoking. Not only do e-cigarettes offer more diverse options, but they are also better for the environment in terms of cutting down pollution and exposing others to second and third-hand smoke. Additionally, they offer ten thousand more flavour options, at a much more affordable price. The vapour that’s produced from a vaporizer is more interesting and complex than traditional tobacco cigarettes. E-cigs are the wave of the future, so why not jump on board now to explore this new way of smoking.
Among traditional tobacco cigarette smokers, there are those who prefer Camels over Marlboros, Marlboros over Camels, and Newports over any others. These are just the more well-known and popular brands, but there’s also Pall Mall, Chesterfield, Kool, Lucky Strike, Maverick, Natural American Spirit, Palermo, USA Gold, Virginia Slims, Winston, Zig Zag, and the list goes one. Vaping is no different. Preference for a brand is achieved through trial and error mixed with a little curiosity. Each vaping brand has its own merits, so remember, if you’re serious about vaping and joining the world of vaping, then explore and let your creative juices and those e-liquids flow. This list of brands compiled here is not comprehensive, primarily because there are new companies entering into or just starting up every day! We love indie brands and are always looking forward to new e-juice flavours, new vaporizers, and of course new companies!
Why Use Electronic Cigarettes?
Environmentally Friendly
With e-cigarettes you don’t need to worry about polluting the environment. Most electronic cigarette starter packs come with a rechargeable battery. All you need is a little battery power to enjoy the smooth vapour from e-cigarettes. No need to light a flame, worry about where you dispose of it at, or fear falling asleep with a lit cigarette and risk causing fire damage or worse. Now you can smoke in your bed to help lull you to sleep without fear. Plus there’s no ash to clean up or dispose of.
With electronic cigarettes, you don’t need to worry about damaging the environment with trash. No more litter on the streets, trash for birds to collect, and filth in the seas. With e-cigarettes you are not only benefiting yourself, but you are also helping to preserve your environment.
Electronic cigarettes do not have adverse side effects from second-hand smoke as there’s no second hand smoke to worry about. With vapour, it evaporates shortly after being exasperated from your lungs and mouth. This way you still get to have an enjoyable time while without polluting. No more feigned coughs, judgmental looks, and lectures from those around you. Just sit back and enjoy the smooth vapour from your e-cig.
No Tobacco
We are all aware of how dangerous tobacco cigarettes are. So, if there’s anything out there that can take the place of a traditional tobacco cigarette that is not a tobacco cigarette and that provides the user with an equally, if not more, enjoyable experience then yes, they are worth trying. E-cigarettes are that replacement. They are made up of only a handful of ingredients, and they come in a variety of nicotine levels including nicotine-free.
These devices are developed in three types of electronic cigarettes:
Disposable Devices
These gadgets are what most people imagine when they think of an e-cig. They appear very similar to a normal tobacco cigarette and even light up at the end. They generally use an automatic power unit that enables when used. Because most of these devices have a small size, the battery has a relatively short life. They use a pre-filled cartridge that is discarded when empty of liquid. Additional cartridges are then acquired and are normally specific to the gadget.
Refillable Devices
Users looking for a more budget-cost option with strong vapour power and long-lasting battery life may consider a refillable electronic cigarette as a good choice. These gadgets are re-filled with e-juice that is accessible in many different flavours and that can be purchased individually from a wide range of suppliers. They operate a vapour-puff system that can be re-filled many times before requiring replacing. They use a larger battery that enables for a higher capacity and requires less recharging.
Variable Voltage/Re-buildable Devices
For a maximum performance and vapour achievement, a MOD or a variable-voltage-device can be used. These devices offer the user a wide-range of advanced features, but they tend to be costlier. A wider selection of vapour systems can be puffed, including re-buildable atomizers that can be altered and substituted by the user. These gadgets are for experienced electronic-cigarette fanatics who have a clear understanding of how e-cigs function and aspire for the best possible performance that a battery-powered puffer can deliver.
Electronic nicotine delivery systems develop a vapour that simulates the experience of smoking when a customer inhales from an e-cig. An e-cigarette has three important parts: a lithium power unit for powering and recharging the electronic device, an atomizer that includes the heat-up gadget which products the vapour, and a cartridge or tank that carries the e-juice liquid.
Choosing Your Desired Device
These are some of the options you need to do research on before choosing your ideal electronic cigarette:
Vapour Quality
The quantity and quality of vapour that an e-cig can produce decides how well it reproduces the experience of smoking tobacco. The vapour device and the power of the battery are key factors for its quality.
- Disposable e-cig: Utilizes a cartomizer-system and a small power unit with low to medium vapour.
- Refillable e-cig: Utilizes a cartomizer / clearomizer with an eGo manual power unit, with medium to high vapour.
- Variable voltage/re-buildable e-cig: Utilizes a high voltage power unit with an improved vapour system to create very high vapour.
Ease of Use
The clarity of a gadget goes together with its performance. An automatic battery with pre-filled cartridges is the simplest to use. A re-fillable gadget requires some fundamental understanding of how to refill and maintain its condition but provides better capacity and is more economical.
- Disposable cartomizer: The simplest system to use. Just screw-in the cartridge and draw-on the vapour-cig to activate.
- Refillable clearomizer: Refilling most gadgets is a easy process of opening up the clearomizer and placing your e-liquid choice inside.
- Variable voltage/re-buildable: A comprehension of resistance and power along with technical knowledge of the interior workings of the gadget is needed. Recommended for knowledgeable users only.
Refill & Delivery System
There is a wide-range of systems that are used to produce the vapour in an electronic-cigarette. Each of them has its ups and downs including strength of vapour, flavour, and the simplicity of filling. Refillable devices are ideal for low cost usage.
- Prefilled cartomizers: Come set to use and are mostly not refillable. Vapour offering is limited.
- Refillable clearomizers: Nice vapour offering and flavour. Simple to use and simple to fill.
- Refillable cartomizer-tanks: Large volume and nice vapour offering, but more difficult to assemble and fill.
Size/Battery Life
The largest part of an electronic cigarette’s size is its battery / power unit. A bigger battery holds more charge and has a longer-lasting life. A more close-packed gadget with a smaller power unit is easier to transport and more discrete but needs recharging more frequently.
- Disposable e-cigarette with a slim automatic battery: Tiny and compact. Continuous time of use: 2 to 3 hours.
- Refillable e-cigarette with 650 mAh eGo manual battery: A rather wider gadget that will comfortably fix in a pocket. Continuous time of use: 4 to 6 hours.
- Replaceable power-unit for variable voltage MOD: Utilizes a wider, replaceable battery. Continuous time of use: 8 to 10 hours.
How to Choose an E-Cigarette Brand
Choosing a vaporizer brand may be one of the most difficult things to do. As mentioned before, new brands appear in the market every day, so where in the world should you even begin to look. Maybe you’re thinking a larger, more well-known e-cig brand is the way, or maybe you think an e-cigarette brand that has the most options available is best for you. But what if they don’t have the flavours you desire? Or even worse, what if you buy an entire starter kit only to be disappointed by the flavours or vaping quality? What if you don’t want to start with an e-cig stick brand but would rather start with a 2nd generation vaping brand? The options seem endless, and there’s a huge flood of e-cigarette brands on the market, making the availability for options endless – and overwhelming. Well, no worries. First, take a breath and then continue on. E-Cig Brands, the ultimate resource for choosing an e-cigarette, is here to educate and guide you. It is our hope that vaping will always be a fun thing for you – even if it involves learning about e-cigarettes, vaporizer options, and e-cigarette brands.
Choose a Quality Brand of E-Cigarette
There are several elements that make an e-cigarette brand a quality one – warranty, place of production, and reputation.
Electronic Cigarette Brands Warranties
Most e-cigarette brands offer warranties of some type on their products. Obviously, the most desired warranty would be a lifetime warranty; be it limited, it still exists infinitely. If that’s not possible, then ensure that the e-cig brand has a minimum 30-day warranty. Be sure to read the fine print on the warranty and know what to expect (and not expect) before you buy. Warranties are very important when choosing an e-cigarette brand. It’s often thought that a company with a longer warranty stands behind its product more and strives to offer a higher quality product than a company with a very limited or even no warranty.
Location, Location, Location
Lots of e-cig brands use parts manufactured in foreign markets, especially in China. While this is not a bad thing in terms of end user cost (that’s you), there are concerns in terms of quality control. The biggest thing you want from an e-cig brand is that it uses e-cig cartridges and e-liquids produced and manufactured in either the US or the UK. This ensures that the most vital components of e-cigarettes have been tested and are under strict quality control guidelines. The e-cig brands that use e-juice or e-cig cartridges produced in China cannot ensure quality as no standards for production exist.
E-Cig Brands Reputation
As with any brand, reputation is important. An e-cigarette brand with a better reputation is obviously more desirable, but do not be put off entirely by brands lacking a reputation. There are many indie e-cigarette brands who are new to the market, which does not necessarily make their product bad. Just do your research (and what better place to start than here at E-Cig Brands!).
Evaluate Electronic Cigarette Brands Options
One of the more important things to do when choosing an e-cig brand is analyzing the list of options the brand has for its users. This can include anything from e-cig accessories, e-liquid flavours, or even custom battery sizes. In the world of vaping, options are fairly unlimited. Something else you may want to consider when choosing an e-cig brand is how flexible the product is. This may include personalization, customization, or even mix-and-match options. If you think you’ll want a vaporizer with lots of options in personalization, then look for an e-cig brand that offers that. If you’re looking for a brand of vaporizer that is pretty cut and dry and delivers a good e-cig experience, then look for a brand that matches that. In the world of vaporizers it’s all about personal preference.
E-Cig Battery Life Makes a Huge Difference
When looking for an electronic cigarette brand, be sure to check the quality of the battery life. Remember that 1st generation e-cigs often have the smallest and therefore least efficient batteries, but as you go up in size to either a 2nd generation or 3rd generation vaporizer, then you’ll want to look for a battery that both fits your brand of e-cig (and yes, they do mix and match with one another, and there’s adaptors to help with that as well) and that is powerful enough to deliver the type of vaping experience you want. Typically, the more powerful the battery is, the greater the vaping experience is in terms of the total amount of vapour produced, the extended lifetime of the battery in between charges, and the amount of “back of the throat hit” you’ll receive. Choose a brand of e-cig that has a powerful enough battery, a convenient method of recharging the battery, and a reputation of battery quality.
There’s Hundreds of Flavors to Choose From
When looking for an electronic cigarette for the first time, you may feel slightly overwhelmed by the vast variety of flavour options offered by different e-cig brands. Options include traditional tobacco flavours, such as robust tobacco or refreshing menthol, to more dynamic and interesting flavours that are sweet and inspired from deserts, drinks, and favourite foods. In addition, many electronic cigarette brands also offer options for mixing and customizing your own e-liquid flavours with the desired amount of nicotine. Whether you’re just starting out or are an experienced electronic vaper, finding new flavours and experimenting with different e-cig brands can be a lot of fun. Take it slow or dive right in; it’s really up to you!
When looking for the best electronic cigarette brand for you, make sure to also check out the company’s shipping rates, shipping fees, and what types of packages they offer for new users. Companies like ePuffer, VaporFi and Apollo E-Cigs & Vape offer very convenient packages for new users. These packages come with all-inclusive starter kits that contain everything one needs to begin vaping. So if you’re new to vaping or looking for a new vaporizer brand, be sure to check out these starter kits. When looking at shipping rates, you obviously want to go for something that’s reasonably priced, but, more importantly, you want something that will get to you in a timely manner. If you’re purchasing from an electronic cigarette brand that requires a shipping time of three weeks or more, you may want to look elsewhere. The whole point is to actually enjoy vaping, and that’s impossible to do if your vaporizer takes an extended amount of time to get to you.
Stumped by Vaping Accessories?
Don’t let the options overwhelm or discourage you; they’re actually there as a way to help you find the most perfect vaping experience for you and you alone. The many e-cig accessories exist as a means for the ultimate personalization experience. Before electronic cigarettes came about, most people were limited to the various ways to smoke tobacco, but now the possibilities are nearly endless! And these endless possibilities are there because we are all unique individuals with very varying tastes and preferences, and each of us deserves to be catered to.
Is That It? No.
All in all, this list is short in comparison to what exists out there in the market. However, this website aims to inform you about the most well-known and popular e-cig vaporizer brands out there as well as what each one’s merits are. We also educate users about what exactly an e-cig is and how it’s truly better for you than traditional tobacco cigarette products. We constantly update our information to ensure we are bringing you the most relevant, interesting, and up-to-date information as electronic cigarette brands continue to evolve and expand their product lines. Make sure to bookmark this website so that you can reference it quickly and easily.
Whether you’re looking for reviews, new information on e-cigarette brands, or knowledge about e-cig products, E-Cig Brands is the place to go. Our quality information is always to here to assist you in choosing the vapourizes that’s just right for you.
Top Electronic Cigarettes Starter Kits Reviews
Electronic cigarette starter kits are the best way to start vaping immediately in the most cost efficient manner. They provide you with the opportunity to try different flavours, methods, and brands. They are compact, lightweight, and come with everything you need to get started from the moment you open the box. Most people who transition over from tobacco cigarettes or are just starting to smoke a vapour electronic cigarette don’t know where to even begin, but that’s where electronic cigarette starter kits come into play. They are designed to provide the user with an exciting and easy first experience. Many people will find that when shopping for e-cigarettes they get discouraged, feel intimidated, or are easily overwhelmed by the vast variety of flavours, types, and brands.
The key to really getting into and enjoying the rich vapour from e-cigarettes is to simply jump right in and give it a try. There’s only one way to do that though and that’s through e-cig starter kits. While they are not necessary to start vaping, they are very helpful and beneficial for the user. An e-cig starter kit is exactly what it sounds like — the basic necessities and a few niceties to get you started. They usually include flavour sample packs or sample e-cig cartridges, a battery, the rechargeable unit if it’s reusable, and a few added pieces such as a backup battery, a compact cigarette pack style carrier, or additional company merchandise. E-cigarette starter kits make for really great gifts for anyone, including those who are new users as well as regular “experienced” users of e-cigarettes.
Electronic cig starter kits provide you with the most cost efficient manner when it comes to initially buying your e-cig, or if you’re looking to expand your line of available smoking methods. They include several flavour refills, a recharging kit, and an e-cig. E-cigarettes are an investment.
They are not “cheap” as you would say to start off with, but they are not cheap products either – so you really get what you pay for in this situation. if you are first starting out with e-cigs all together or switching brands, you may not have any idea as to where to even begin.
That’s where e-cig starter kits come in handy. They are meant to introduce you to the type of e-cigarette that you have selected in the least expensive manner for you. If you were to buy all of the parts that are included in the kit separately, then you will find that it would cost you at least double to get the same stuff. However, manufacturers can provide you with a cheaper option for starting out as a way to fully try out their brand and products. E-cig companies want you to get the most experience in the least expensive way, and that’s why they have starter kits. Even when comparing the cost of e-cigarettes to tobacco cigarettes, you will easily find that you are saving hundreds of dollars a year, if not thousands, by switching over to e-cigs. Most are reusable, they last longer, and they are taxed less.
#1 ePuffer – Magnum Snaps E-Cigarette
These e-cigs from ePuffer were designed to be a satisfying alternative to traditional cigarettes. The Magnum series of e-cigarettes comes in two starter colours: black and authentic white. Black offers a little something out of the ordinary, while the traditional colours mimic a real cigarette (complete with a golden faux filter).
The battery of the Magnum series has something extra for e-cig enthusiasts: the battery is magnetically attached to the flavour cartridges. Although not necessary, it does add an element of convenience and novelty to one of ePuffer’s most popular products.
Finally, ePuffer’s Magnum Snaps E-Cigarette offers a 220 mAh battery, which is slightly above market average. Still, this e-cig battery cannot be expected to last all day with continuous use. Luckily for the consumer, the starter Magnum packs include two rechargeable batteries. The quality of ePuffer’s batteries is second to none, so you can expect your battery to last through 400 charge cycles before needing to purchase a new one.
As far as e-cigarettes go on the market, it is hard to go wrong with the Mangum series from ePuffer.
Retail Price: £49.95
What’s included in the Magnum Snaps Starter Kits:
- Two Lithium Rechargeable Batteries
- Five Flavor Cartridges
- USB Wall Adapter (110/240V)
- USB Charger
- Instruction Manual
- 2.5mL Tank Capacity
- Battery Capacity 1000mAh
- Battery Voltage 3.5 volts
- Atomizer Resistance 2.0ohm
- USB Wall Charger Adaptor 100-240V Input, Output 5V
Try The Magnum Snaps E-Cigarette Now!
#2 South Beach Smoke Deluxe Ultimate Electronic Cigarette Kit
The Deluxe Starter Kit is one of South Beach Smoke’s most popular kits, and for good reason, too. Designed to provide a regular smoker with enough supplies for two to three weeks of vaping, this starter kit is the perfect way to jump right into vaping without looking back.
The atomizer component is included in the cartridge, so there’s no need for extra cleaning or maintenance. You’re ready to go as soon as you swap out the cartridge. You’ll also find a wall charger, deluxe battery, and high-capacity battery to get you started.
In the ultimate pack, you’ll also receive a fancy carrying case, lanyard, portable charger, car charger, a manual battery, and another ten cartridges, which is equivalent to about 28-32 packs. You get all that for what would turn out to be only £1.41 per pack of analogue cigarettes. These must-have accessories make transitioning from smoking to vaping that much easier. Better yet, these electronic cigarettes resemble cigarettes almost perfectly. Except for the charging cord, you’ll hardly be able to tell the difference.
Cartridges are available in a wide range of flavours including tobacco classic, menthol, vanilla, cherry, peppermint, pina colada, peach, chocolate, tobacco blue, golden tobacco, watermelon, tobacco mint, orange mint, grape hookah, Frank’s lemon-lime, or double apple hookah. Once you’ve chosen your flavour, you can choose your nicotine strength–0, 6, 12, 16, or 24 mg/ml.
This is the perfect starter pack for someone who wants a reliable set of electronic cigarettes that will last them at least for several weeks while they get used to vaping and decide whether they want to continue.
Try the South Beach Smoke Deluxe Kit & Save 10%!
#3 Apollo Challenger Vapour Cigarette Kit
The Challenger Starter Kit is one of the most affordable vaping starter kits available. When you decide to try vaping, you don’t want to have to put down £100 for a new hobby especially if you’re not even sure you’ll like it. Apollo’s Challenger Kit is sold at an extremely reasonable rate for those who are just not so sure about the entire idea of electronic cigarettes.
This also just happens to be a very well-made, solid device. It comes with a powerful battery that packs a powerful punch at the back of throat, and while the cartomizers are sold separately, they’re large enough to last you a while. The sleek, black batteries have the name Apollo printed across the side and come with an LED tip to mimic the glowing end of a burning cigarette.
This is the perfect kit for someone who wants to try vaping, but doesn’t want to end up with eight unused cartridges they’ll just end up throwing out. The Apollo Challenger is powerful enough for a realistic mouth-to-lungs draw, but simple enough for a beginner. Try it out, and if you don’t love it, you really haven’t lost that much anyway. We’re sure you will love it though because it’s very solidly made.